How do we do lead generation?

Home Lead Generation
Podcasts, blog posts, and videos are the top three content formats to generate awareness.

76% of marketers use content to generate leads.

41% of companies struggle to follow up quickly with leads.

Lead generation is surely one of the most perplexing jobs for any firm. Without bringing in leads and then converting them into customers, there is no meaning in doing business. But often business builders are extremely busy with their main domain work, which is about building the business, and there comes the problem of who will generate leads for the business. The answer is we, Branding IO.

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But why are we best for B2C and B2B lead generation? Let's find out

When you hire Branding IO to help you in lead generation you don’t only get a team of lead generating experts but rather a team that will treat your firm as their own. Also, you get to focus on your area of expertise as we make sure we bring on the best leads. But lead generation is also not an easy job as people have limited budgets and have several options, so your product or service needs to be the unique one that they will spend their hard-earned money on. How to make it look unique totally depends on your marketers, and branding IO follows some top-notch lead generation strategies for this game. Before discussing our strategies, lets understand our philosophy of lead generation -


Transparency is the most important that you need to keep in check in lead generation. We keep the process transparent to both you and your targeted customer. We don’t believe in fooling customers to buy something neither will we try to fool you with junk leads.

Here are our strategies for lead generation -

Why Choose Us

Why Choose BrandingIO for lead generation?

The first step that our team takes to help you with better lead generation is developing some top-quality lead magnets for your company. Offering value is the best thing to do to get someone interested in your business or to get them to share their contact information.
We will use several lead magnets for your business, like newsletters, ebooks, webinars, and other things, to bring quality leads to your business through inbound lead generation.

Your landing page helps to create the first impression in the lead’s mind, and the first impression lasts. So to make sure your brand’s first impression wins the heart of your potential customer, we will help you optimise your business page with minimal distractions and compelling CTAs.
Also, data shows that videos on landing pages can increase the conversion rate by 86%, so we will make compelling videos to get that deal for you.

We have mentioned that blog posts are one of the top content formats that will help you get leads, so we will make sure that your site is providing blogs that have high-quality information and are also SEO optimised.
Also, with our SEO services, we can help you rank your site among the top 10 sites in your niche.

Not only inbound lead generation, but we also focus on outbound lead generation to help you reach out to your prospects and get them on board.
For outbound lead generation, we use some old-school but reliable methods like cold calling or cold emailing, and these strategies are more valuable for companies in the B2B domain.

We will build, unbuild, and rebuild strategies to bring leads for business to make sure we are working on the best one.
We will change the content style until it gets perfect, we will change email timing until it reaches its best opening rate, we will work on SEO until you reach the top, and this is how Branding io will make sure your decision to work with us becomes your best business decision.

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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about lead generation services

Companies that are planning to enter a new segment or trying to get new customers need lead generation companies.

Lead generation agencies run advertising campaigns or make lead generation websites for your business to bring you new customers.

Lead generation companies charge in different ways depending on the company or the genre you’re dealing with to generate leads for business.

B2C lead generation can be done with the help of content marketing done in different platforms from social media to Google or Youtube.

Lead generation is not definitely a part of sales. In actual sense, lead generation is a part of both sales and marketing but in different ways.

No, SEO can help in lead gen but lead generation is not SEO. Lead generation is about finding prospects while SEO helps in ranking your page among the top sites of google search results.

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